The title of this post alone might make some cringe or think, "Oh, here we go again." I assure you this will not be the typical Tebow banter we've grown accustomed to over the past several months.
Whether you like him or not, the name 'Tebow' has entered our households and our vocabulary since his debut in the NFL with the Denver Broncos. Not necessarily for his raw talent and ability at the quarterback position, but more so for his faith. It happened one fateful afternoon when Tim Tebow took a knee to celebrate and to thank God for his success in the game. "Tebowing" was born. In fact, students have gotten suspended because of it. It's become a national sensation. Even the sports guys on CBS are doing it.
I don't know Tebow's true intentions. Based upon his character and the way he's carried himself through this media blitz, I have to believe Tim Tebow is a sincere Christian who took a knee to thank God and the media has blown it way out of control (I know it's hard to believe the media can do something like that).
Again, Tim Tebow is not that great of a quarterback (yet). His arm is certainly not the subject of all the attention. It's his bravery to share his faith. Is there a place in pro sports for an outspoken faith? Maybe. The mostly, if not all, secular media eats this stuff for lunch. They find a guy like Tim Tebow who says he's a Christian, a guy who gives God all the glory due to his success, and the media crucifies him.
I think Tim Tebow is a great role model for young athletes, or for anyone really. What he's doing takes guts. As I mentioned earlier, I don't know his intentions. Is he doing it for the attention? Is he really an honest, humble man of God? I don't know. But what I do know is (from what we see on TV) Tim Tebow is a great guy.
Some might say all this Tim Tebow talk puts a bad light on Christianity. Pray to God about anything and you'll get it, is what we hear on TV. Be an outspoken Christian who plays sports and you'll lead your team right to the Superbowl (read "The Big Game", for legal reasons). Was there an Angels in the Outfield thing going on in Sunday's game against Pittsburgh? Maybe. Did God have a hand in the game-winning play in overtime? Maybe. Do I believe in coincidences? Sometimes. Yes, it was absolutely crazy Tim Tebow threw for 316 yards Sunday night (John 3:16). It was even crazier his average yards per throw was 31.6. Coincidence or God saying he's a Broncos fan?
I'm a Christian myself and I don't know what to make of all this. I was raised to give God the glory, especially when things were going well. I get where Tim Tebow is coming from. I get he's on a national stage and he has the opportunity to spread the fact he has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I get it. Part of me applauds him for his convictions. Part of me thinks there are other strong, passionate Christian athletes who we don't hear about, and that's maybe the way it should be. I don't know. I wish I had the answer.
Maybe it's because we haven't seen a professional athlete like this before. I can't remember, in my lifetime, an athlete who has been this open with their faith. I'm having an even harder time thinking of an athlete who was open with their faith who received this much attention from the media. The only one I can think of is Kurt Warner. However, I don't ever remember the attention Tebow is getting.
Someday it will die down. Who knows? Maybe Tim Tebow will show other Christian athletes it's ok to be open with their faith. I think that would be awesome.
I'm not really sure how to wrap this all up, but I do know one thing. If I were in Denver, I would be the biggest Tebow fan there is. Heck, I'm a fan now. What a great example he is and I hope he continues to be.
What are your thoughts on all of this Tebow stuff?
While most people would agree that Tebow really isn't that great of a quarterback, he is a great role model for christian athletes. We have seen other players blame God for poor performances like Steve Johnson. I sometimes wonder if God is using Tebow and the media to get his name out there. Can you just imagine what the hype would be like and the stories that the media would produce if Tebow and the broncos would win the Superbowl this year? It would be unreal, especially in a year where 3 QB's threw for 5000 yards in a season.
ReplyDeleteHowever, it seems to me that there is a lot more emphasis on faith in general on TV. I don't know if you saw survivor this past season, but it was irritating this past season about how much faith was brought up. It was like they used faith as a weapon in the game. Only God knows how much faith they had and if they were just making it up to make people do what they wanted. I think Tebow is for real, not a real quarterback but a real christian.
Heard the Tebow/Brady Joke? After a hugely successful Hall of Fame football career, Tom Brady dies and goes to heaven. God shows him around and eventually drops him off at his house, a large mansion with a single Patriots flag dangling in the front window. Brady appreciates the gesture, but looks across the street where there's an even bigger house with a large garage, totally decked out in Denver Broncos colors and gear. The sidewalks are blue and orange, there's a painting of the Broncos logo on the side of the house and a Tebow statue out front. Brady asks God - "What gives? I won three super bowls, and I was arguably the best QB of all time. Why does Tebow get a bigger house?"
ReplyDeleteGod says - "That's not Tebow's house. It's mine."
Anyway. I like Tebow and I'm definitely cheering him on because he seems genuine in his faith and is fun to watch. The 316 thing, God's intervention in all of it, etc - I don't give a lot of meaning to it. Tebow wouldn't disagree that he's been hugely blessed, but he's not God's PR campaign on earth. He's just a human being, and all of us inevitably let each other down. Tebow's success doesn't prove God's got his back. What happens one day when Tebow fails, on or off the field? Did God leave him (like he apparently left Stevie Johnson when he dropped that TD pass)? I think he's a guy who loves the Lord and happens to have reached the most competitive level of football. He's too young for me to call him a role model yet. You do have to wonder though - are people rewarded for their godliness on earth? Is that what Tebow is experiencing? Hard to say.