Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blogger's Block

I'm discovering blogging isn't necessarily for me.

Blogs are meant for people with stories.  For those who have moved across the world and are telling of their adventures to those back home.  Blogs are for people who are sharing medical concerns, or their journey of getting pregnant, or keeping grandparents posted about grandchildren.  For people who are eloquent writers, for those who are passionate about something ( a lot of arts and crafts blogs out there).  Not for a guy like me.

I live an ordinary life.  I've been blessed with health, a beautiful wife, a great dog, a roof over my head, and a job.  We're not expecting any children, yet.  However, I can foresee myself having success coming up with things to write about once we have our own children (which seems to be a majority of blog topics as I randomly view other blogs).

My job isn't thrilling by any means.  I am grateful I have work and a paycheck, but it's a "transitional" position if anything.  I miss being in the classroom.  I miss teaching.  I miss having interactions with my students.  I miss going home thinking I maybe made a difference today.  I hope that I can do my best in my current position so I can be considered for a more full-time position next year.

One advantage of my job is I overhear a lot of funny stuff throughout the day.  My office is located within the Dean's office, and throughout the day I get to see and hear some of the school's finest.  In fact, just yesterday I overheard our secretary have a conversation with a student on the phone.  "What in the world are you doing on a bus?"  "...but you don't belong on a bus."  A short moment later one of our deans is on the phone with this student.  "...activity bus?  Those don't leave until 4:30.  It's 2:35."  "You have to call a relative or a friend to see if they can pick you up somewhere."  "No, the bus driver is not going to drop you back off at school." "...because!  You don't belong on a bus!  Why did you get on a bus when you don't ever ride one?  You've been walking to school for three years."

Hilarious.  Turns out this kid road all the way back to the bus garage with the driver and then walked to a CVS or Walgreens or something to wait for a ride.  The caliber of students that walk through this office (or call on the phone) amaze me.  They must make mom and/or dad proud.

Maybe I do have something to blog about.  I have been keeping a Word document of all the crazy things I overhear.  Stay tuned.

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